Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
Allah says in Al-Qur`an, 'Allah has forbidden you dead, blood, and pork." (Surah al-Baqarah [2]: 173)
This article will try to discuss about illicit pork. Pork obviously have been forbidden by Allah, but do you know why pork is forbidden by Allah. following a quick introduction.
Abstention from eating pork is a measure to safeguard health. Of all the domestic animals, pig is the most avaricious, eating anything including human excreta. It is the cradle of harmful germs and parasites. Its meat is carrier of diseases to man, thus making it unfit for human consumption.
All types of animals are lawful to be eaten whether those living on land or in the water except those animals specifically forbidden in the Holy Writings revealed by the Almighty Creator and the sayings of the Prophet with clear and well defined injunctions.
Pig belong to the forbidden animals, and not allowed to be eaten by the believers. Pig eats almost anything dirty and they are very lazy animals. It is the most avaricious of all domestic animals. Amongst all animals, pig is the cradle of harmful germs. It's meat serves as carrier of diseases to mankind. It is this very reason that made it unfit for human consumption.
In the Ming Dynasty, there is a healer named Lee Shih Ch'en. He is highly respected and authored 50 volumes of books medicine or Material Medical. Regarding pork, physician Lee said, "He (pork) can bring disaster."
In the Tang Dynasty there is a very famous physician named Sun See Mao. In his book Sheh Shen Lu (Health Records), physicians who reached age 100 years, wrote, "Pork stimulate long diseases, causing infertility, bone pain, and asthma."
Daniel S. Shapiro, MD, Steering Labaratories of Clinical Microbiology, Boston Medical Center, Massachusetts and is also an assistant professor of medicine at the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Massachusetts, to formulate at least there are 26 diseases that can be contagious because the pig.
• Anthrax
• Ascaris suum
• Botulism
• Brucella suis
• Cryptosporidiosis
• Entamoeba polecki
• Erysipelothrix shusiopathiae
• Flavobacterium group lib-like bacteria
• Influenza
• Leptospirosis
• Pasteurella aerogenes
• Pasteurella multocida
• Pigbel
• Rabies
• Salmonella cholerae-suis
• Salmonellosis
• Sarcosporidiosis
• Scabies
• Streptococcus dysgalactiae (group L)
• Streptococcus milleri
• Streptococcus suis type 2 (group R)
• Swine vesicular disease
• Taenia solium
• Trichinella spiralis
• Yersinia enterocolitica
• Yersinia pseu
But actually there are things more important than the things above, ie when God forbid something that Allah is testing our faith, whether we are able to avoid the prohibition or not. about the scientific data it is really a "bonus" to our knowledge.
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